Patients’ Forum

The overall aim of this group is to represent the interests and views of all patients, ensuring that the patient’s voice is heard, and to help to enable the practice to deliver continuous care service improvement for the benefit of both patients and practice staff.

Our group key roles are:

  • Promote patient involvement and engagement in the Practice.
  • Provide constructive feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests, providing open and constructive challenge to the practice when necessary.
  • Contribute to practice decision-making and act as a consultative body for service development and provision by being an advocate for patients.
  • Influence local health care services, providing a sounding board and input to major changes to service.
  • To improve communication between the Practice and its patients, and being an advocate for the Practice where appropriate.
  • Share best practice with other patient groups.

Patients’ Forum Newsletters

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024